Panduan Cara seting Plugin Cache “WP super cache” WordPress
Setelah plugin berhasil di install + Aktif, buka tab menu bagian kiri: Setting (pengaturan) > Wp Super Cache
» Menu Easy
Cahcing: On → simpan perubahanTekan tombol Update Status.
» Advanced
Menu “Advanced” setingan tambahan yang sangat diperlukan:
Berikut fitur yang perlu kamu cheklist:
- Enable cache
- Simple (Recommended)
- Don’t cache pages for known users. (Recommended)
- Compress pages so they’re served more quickly to visitors. (Recommended)
- Cache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. (Recommended)
- 304 Not Modified browser caching. Indicate when a page has not been modified since it was last requested. (Recommended)
- Mobile device support.
- Clear all cache files when a post or page is published or updated.
- (Recommended).
Jangan lupa tekan tombol “Update status” untuk menyimpan perubahan.
» Proload
Silahkan pilih / check list: Preload mode (garbage collection disabled. Recommended.) + tekan tombol “Save Sattings”.